Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Festivities

Hi everyone! I know, I haven't been around much, I'm sorry. We've just moved, and as much as I would like to write a post on staying organised during transition, this is the most disorganised I think I've ever been!! We are basically living out of boxes as the unpacking is coming along at a painfully slow rate. Anyway, instead of anything useful about moving, I'll just say have a very happy Christmas and New Year, all of you, and hopefully I'll be able to get back to the blogging world one of these days!
Love Sarndra xx


  1. Just catching up and love the new pram and nappy bag. Wish I'd had a pram like that 20 odd years ago as I had a few frights with the wheels 'sticking' in scary places. Adore the walk and the views and the fresh air and exercise must be good for both of you.
    I'd be stunned if you already had everything unpacked with a small baby in the house. Moving means reorganising everything to fit efficiently in new places/spaces and with a youngster you don't often have time to change any of it later so it has to be 'right' the first time.
    Enjoy your Christmas and New Year and I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of that cute happy boy after 2012 rolls in.
    Cheers and best wishes,

  2. Congrats on the move. Are you and the family moving into a house? Happy Christmas to you and your family, too :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  3. Congratulations on the new place.

    I do know what you mean about those boxes. For me, moving is one of the most stressful things - all those things not in their places!!! :)

    Shout if you need to bounce ideas around.

    Otherwise, take care and Merry Christmas.

  4. Have a Merry Christmas Sarndra!

  5. Don't stress about the moving disorganization. It'll get sorted sooner or later. You get extra time for moving with a baby! ;-) This is coming from an organization freak who's moved 9 times in 20 years, including overseas, both without kids as well as with one, two, three and recently, four kids (and yes, babies).

    Enjoy Christmas with that gorgeous little angel of yours! That first Christmas with your first child is so special.

