After the lovely photos we had taken by Hsu-Yin, I have felt an urge to organise the photos on my computer. The problem is, I use Picasa 3 and I still dont know how to use it properly!! Having tried 3 other photo organising programs in the past, I am determined to stick with this one. SO I asked Hsu-Yin for some help in this department. She (wisely) doesn't use Picasa for organisation, but she still had some great tips to share with me.
She told me she culls the bad photos. What a great idea!!! Especially in this age of digital- it's so easy to quickly accumulate thousands upon thousands of images! I am going to try VERY hard to do this. It's not easy deleting photos (even "bad" ones-) of Alex, but today I tentatively deleted a few, to ease myself gently into it Lol :-) And I know I won't miss the ones I deleted! A couple of Alex caught mid- blink so his half shut eyes made him look a little drunk- we wont miss those! And we do really have SO many cute photos of him.
Hsu-Yin also suggested I try organising the photos into year and month, folders for the year and subfolders for the month. A great tip, and I will start doing this whenever I upload new pics from my camera. My problem is that I still havent learnt how to use the program and to be honest with you, I seem to have a mind-block on this topic. I'm sure people have told me before how to re-organise folders etc but I cant seem to be able to do it.
How do you organise your photos and do you cull the bad ones? Please share what works for you.
Those of you who still visit here (thanks! :)) will have noticed I'm hardly ever here. Thats because of a combination of being super busy and super tired most of the time since having Alex, and also because I seriously am the most disorganised I think I've ever been! Having my precious little one has turned my world (and my home-) upside down! How can a previously seriously organised gal write on her organising blog when she is currently incredibly disorganised?? Hmmm was considering changing the name of this blog to "Fretfully Disorganised" or "Unhappily Chaotic" Lol ....
But honestly I have been somewhat depressed. I dont want to get all down and too serious here but it might explain my absense and why I have failed to visit and comment on alot of your blogs (Sorry!!) I am still planning to catch up on my blog reading- one day, one day. I'm feeling ALOT better lately though (which is why I'm now able to write about it). My beautiful Alex does in no way contribute to my post natal depression but the lack of sleep, the difficulty in breast feeding (in the early days), going sugar-free for 3 months, the death of my Grandma, Alex's health scare and tests, and then not being able to keep on top of the house and not being "in control"- has all been very hard for me to deal with, being the control freak that I am.
Don't worry- I'm getting help. I go to a great psychologist once a week and it really helps me. This is quite personal, but I did want to share this with you because I'm sure a lot of girls out there will be able to relate to this. And they might be relieved to know that they aren't the only ones with unwashed hair, a house looking like a bomb dropped, chaotic cupboards etc...
Chaotic cupboards- I like it! Perhaps that should be the name of my new blog? I read on another organising blog something about "Think of the most organised person you know- I bet even they have a cupboard or drawer somewhere, that is disorganised". I had to laugh- and want to share with you , one of my cupboards

Ok, so its not THAT bad I guess, but this isnt the worst one :) But it is the one I want to try to work on in the next couple of weeks (Last year, this cupboard would've taken me 1 hour. But now, I need to be realistic here..) This is in Alex's room, and what you can see here is baby blankets, a box of stationery, box of photo prints NOT in albums yet, ornamets, a paper shredder, a laminator, and other bits and bobs. I hate opening this cupboard, and that large space in the second bottom area is SO big, its a silly design. It's too big for one box but I dont like to stack too many things, because it can make access difficult. Everything here is where I want it to be, in this cupboard I mean, but I just need to work on storage solutions and work out what to do with that big shelf area. Also by the way, that bottom shelf is really weak so it's not going to hold alot of weight. Hmm. Off to Officeworks and Ikea I go, for some pretty storage boxes.
Lets say this was a "Before" shot- so stay tuned :-)
I am really making an effort to get up and out of this depression, which is why I'm seeing a psychologist and why I'm writing about it here, it all helps with processing things. I'm also trying a new mantra- Be Happy. I think (for me-) it helps when you know and accept you are a bit down, coz then its a little easier to see your way up and out of it. Its like, you dont know its dark until you see sunshine. I know when I'm really happy because I deal with depression. In celebration of my new mantra, I'm going to adjust the title of my blog :-) And really try to get on here more often, coz it does make me happy, connecting with lovely people (YOU!)- all over the world. Something else that makes me happy is when I'm being creative- so I've been making an effort to get back into my drawing and perhaps even one day, my sewing. I would LOVE to be making Alex new clothes, its just a matter of finding time. (If anyone has any links for a blog/website that has SUPER FAST designs for baby's clothes- please share :-)) I have made some pants for him, when I was pregnant, but I'm pretty slow at it and those pants took me ages.
I'm now going to watch the latest Gossip girl dvd- (I got it out this afternoon) and eat M & M's (Hooray for being able to eat sugar again!!!!) And I'm going to leave the washing and the dishes for tonight- it IS saturday night after all! Are you proud of me? :)